Racing & Lure Coursing
Until very recently there has not been much opportunity to race our Silken Windhounds, however since 2014 we have competed in Straight Flat Racing, Straight Hill Racing and on the Oval Track.
In 2015 the BSFA invited Silken's to join in the last 3 meets of the year, holding a mini league over these final events. We were also invited to participate in the Otmoore Whippet Endurance Stakes, with a section specifically for Silkens. Kusbudar achieved outstanding (see below).
For 2016 the BSFA agreed the Silken Windhound could participate in the full season with Beaux taking res SW lure courser topping this achievement in 2017 with Beaux being awarded SW Lure Courser of the Year, and father, River, being runner up. In addition Layla, a relative newcomer to racing, was Best Bitch at the UKSWC Annual Track Event.
Beaux BSFA Top Silken Windhound Lure Courser,winner of annual trophy at WSPWC
River BSFA runner up Best SW Veteran
2019 was a difficult year health wise for humans and Beaux at Kushbudar.After starting the season in his usual style winning the first two events of the season our dogs were prevented from competing with both Martin and I unable to get them to events.Then Beaux was unwell and then picked up two minor cuts to his pads which meant he did not attend enough events to qualify.River at eight years of age stepped into the breach and took the BSFA title for 2019.Sad as we were that Beaux did not get his hat trick we celebrated the fact that this was the only title River had not claimed in his running career!!He is a bit of a wonder dog!He once again took the veteran trophy
River has not only had an illustrious race and lure coursing record but his sons and daughters (see Velvet below) have taken many wins between them.His grand children Marukh and Zaniah had only one adult BSFA meet in 2019 but look to have inherited grand pops’ skills
Racing 2019
We introduced Marukh and Zaniah to the delights of chasing the lure.
Velvet was Fastest Bitch winning the ‘jacket’ at the UKSWC Annual performance event. This year was a challenging uphill grass sprint completing timed solo runs.
Marukh made his debut in this competition. He had no competition experience but was showing such promise we skipped novice and went straight to open.He did not disappoint and came a very close second to a much older and more experienced dog beating two previous winners of this event.We look forward to seeing his potential fulfilled in the future.
Velvet is Marukh’s mum so his genes are bristling with racing potential.
We regularly race with West Somerset Whippet Racing Club and this year Marukh took the Silken Windhound annual Trophy.
Racing 2018
West Somerset WRC held their annual Spring and Autumn Charity Sprints. Layla was Stake winner at both events. As a veteran, River won the Veteran Stakes at the Autumn event - the boy still has it ! As far as BSFA, it was a repeat of 2017 with Beaux taking Top SW Courser of the Year and River as runner-up.
Racing 2017
Beaux (red jacket) and River (white jacket) showing their coursing prowess to take SW Lure Course of the Year 2017 and Runner-Up respectively. Layla was awarded Best Newcomer at BSFA events. In addition West Somerset WRC recognised Beaux’s ongoing performance at club events and was presented with a perpetual trophy as top SW sprinter. He was also Stake winner at their Spring Charity Sprint event. Layla was fastest bitch at the UKSWC Annual event and is shown below displaying her jacket.
UKSWC Track Event 2017
Open Stakes - Fastest Bitch
Racing moments from 2016: