News in Pictures.
.And along came Covid!
We fell foul of Covid restrictions and had no conformation shows for two years.However Marukh fulfilled his early promise on the track.He won at the few competitions we had during the first year and took over from his Uncle Beaux by taking the annual award for Silkens at the West Somerset whippet racing club.
Kushbudar’s Our Dogs Annual ad that Christmas (another Klaudia Senator production)reflected the hopes for leaving the pandemic’s restrictions behind and was based on the iconic Da Vinci Code poster.
In 2021 our venue cancelled out on us 10 days before our annual shows.Fortunately our timed sprint event went ahead with Marukh taking his first UKSWC racing jacket.He remained unbeaten in all his Sprint competitions and won at the first BSFA lure coursing meet and the Hill Sprint .He conceded the second and last BSFA lure course to his Uncle Beaux…experience triumphed over youth!
Above is our second Klaudia Senator ad for the Our Dogs annual featuring Velvet (Kushbudar Countess Caithleen) and her son Marukh (Kushbudar Velvet Moon)
Our Dogs annual our first ad produced by Klaudia Senator
Introducing our puppies Kushbudar Velvet Moon(Marukh) and Kushbudar Star of Cashmere(Zaniah)With their beautiful mother ISWS Ch Kushbudar Countess Caithleen
Our 2018 Our Dogs advert introducing our lovely Moon from America
Our advert for Our Dogs and Dog World Annuals 2017. Very pleased with these
A summary of some of our achievements.....
2015 - And another awesome year........unbelievable, we are so proud !
2014 - What a year Team Kushbudar had !
2013. Litter was born January 2014. Eight beautiful babies - 4 boys and 4 girls.